Activities 活動集

2024 March 3-16 Research cruise NOR1-068 Taiwan GEOTRACES  

We sailed along the 21N and to 130E Weste Pacific Ocean. Our deepest collection depth is 5450m, a record breaking for Taiwan's clean seawater sampling system!  Our team is responsible for anthropogenic 236U and 14C ocean tracer and persistent pollutant PAHs. 

沿著北緯21度,一路向東,在遠離台灣600海浬遠的西太平洋採水,我們研究室探討的是人造核種鈾236, 碳14還有人造有機污染物的研究。

2023 July 29-August 8 R/V Thompson cruise #421

Tina visited my Ph.D. study sites again. We used remotely operated vehicle (ROV) JASON to assist sampling of the warm fluid (65°C) flowing in the rock beneath the marine sediment.

2023 Sep 16-21 HOT cruise #344  

The world's most maintained ocean time-series station ALOHA is a must-visit place for Tina. Luckily, our proposal for collection seawater samples for anthropogenic ocean tracer 236U research was approved and we joined HOT cruise #344 to Station ALOHA for sampling. Former student Yu-Chen joined the cruise with me. We had a great time together.

2022 Dec-2023 March IYBSSD@Taiwan on city railroad systems

扎根科學、永續臺灣 -- 臺灣響應聯合國「基礎科學促進永續發展國際年」列車

2022 Lanyu coral coring (8/3-6) Taiwan 蘭嶼珊瑚岩芯採集

2022 Goldschmidt Conference (7/10-15) Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. 


2022 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly 臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會

2022 Coral spawning field sampling (4/15-26) Kenting National Park, Taiwan

2022 Estuary seagrass bed respiration (1/18-23) measurement with IONTU Benthic Chamber Haiko, Pingtung, Taiwan