Geometric Topology
Working group seminar @HU
General information
Time & place: Biweekly Mondays at 11:00 in Seminar room 1.315 Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin
Format: 60min informal talk (followed by 30min discussion)
Participation: Everyone interested in geometric topology is welcome to participate.
Organizers: Marc Kegel and Chun-Sheng Hsueh
Schedule WiSe 24/25
Nov 4th Chun-Sheng Hsueh
Braidedness of open books
We will discuss the following article.
Nov 11th Marc Kegel
Kirby calculus of contact 3-manifolds
Nov 25th Marc Kegel
Kirby calculus of contact 3-manifolds II
The bridge index
Classification of 2-bridge knots
Khovanov homology
Exotic non-orientable 4-manifolds
Feb 3rd Frank Selensky
Chern classes of open books
Surfaces in 4-manifolds and extendible mapping classes
Abstract: Given a proper embedding of an orientable surface in a 4-manifold, we study which surface diffeomorphisms can be induced by a diffeomorphism of the ambient 4-manifold. As an application, we answer a question on the existence of universal open books on a 5d manifold. We call a 5d open book universal if every 3d open book with connected binding admits an open book embedding in it.