Should I teach synchronously or asynchronously?

When it comes to online learning, you may employ synchronous and asynchronous modes for your teaching. Selecting an appropriate mode of teaching depends on your teaching plans, find out from the list of questions to discover which modes of teaching is appropriate for your teaching plans and how you can facilitate them.

Is synchronous teaching appropriate for my course?

Synchronous Teaching

Synchronous Teaching is learning session that allows the tutor and students to interact real-time, while online. It allows tutors to stay in touch with learners, apart from face-to-face teaching and live learning, discussions and feedback gathering, online

Synchronous Learning is suitable for:

  • Discussing less complex concepts

  • Clarifying doubts with tutors

  • Brainstorming ideas

  • Student-led presentations

Conferencing Tools you need for Synchronous Learning :

  • Blackboard Collaborate

  • Google Meet

  • Zoom

Is asynchronous teaching appropriate for my course?

Asynchronous Teaching

Asynchronous Learning is where tutors and students interact at different times and locations. It allows students to engage in learning activities outside of class, do their work at a more convenient time and archived content and revisit at a later stage.

Asynchronous Teaching is suitable for:

  • Discussing complex concepts that require preparation and follow-ups

  • Sharing individual reflection on course topics

  • Critically assessing peers' ideas

Tools for Asynchronous Learning:

How do I facilitate synchronous or asynchronous teaching effectively?

You can still facilitate discussion effectively in a virtual classroom with our NIE Goes Online! Course.

A series of modules have been designed to help you discover how to teach effectively online using NTULearn (Blackboard). Plenty of downloadable resources are shared in the course for you to implement right away.

Module 2 provides you with the know-hows on creating ice-breaker activities, setting up classrooms norms, grouping students and a framework for facilitating online synchronous discussion.

Module 3 guides you through the creation of rubrics and icebreaker activities, preparation and scaffolding for meaningful discourse., empowerment of student through peer assessments. There would also be suggested activities you could implement to consolidate your students' learning.

Login to NTULearn now and click on the link to enroll into NIE Goes Online! Course. [NTU/NIE Faculty ONLY]

How do I use Parking Lot technique for synchronous and asynchronous teaching?

The Parking-Lot technique is about setting up a board or canvas in the classroom where learners can post burning questions, doubts and discussion points that come up during a lesson or activity. The teacher then can address those questions at the end of the lesson or at the beginning of the following lesson.

Discover how you can replicate this technique for synchronous or asynchronous online teaching

How do I extend classroom management online?

A classroom in any form—whether on campus or online—should be a conducive & safe space for learners to foster thoughtful comments and open discussions.

Thus, it is important for teachers to set and communicate the norms to ensure their learners are comfortable online, engage in proper etiquette to be organized, focused, productive and are in their best forms to learn with and from their teacher and peers.

Discover How you can set social norms for your virtual classroom

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