Instructional Design ePortfolio

Who am I?

My name is Zackary Adams. I am currently an English and English Language Development teacher in Moreno Valley. Having earned both my B.A. in Sociology and my Single Subject Teaching Credential from California State University San Bernardino, I chose to return to the campus to earn my M.A. I have found teaching to be an uplifting and interesting profession, and look forward to using skills gained in the program to bolster techniques and routines I use in the classroom.

Program Goals

I have undertaken the M.A. in Education (Instructional Design) to help become more adept in the technological trends that affect the classroom. I plan on using my knowledge from the program to better my classroom teaching, as well as to prepare to take positions in Professional Development and Academic Leadership.


Instructional Design is part of every educator's life, whether they understand that or not. The choices we make in the classroom, both in academic design and assessment creation, revolve around our understanding of this area of study. With the inclusion of technology in the classroom, and the unlikely chance that technology disappears any time soon, educators everywhere have much to take away from the study.