AK Safe Children's Act Lessons

Alaska Safe Children’s Act

In June 2017 a law went into effect called the Alaska Safe Children’s Act.  This law requires school districts to establish a training program for students covering sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention (grades k-12) and dating violence and abuse awareness and prevention (grades 7-12). 

In order to meet the requirements laid out by the Alaska Safe Children’s Act, each year we invite Kelly Dietsch, the Youth Outreach Advocate of the LeeShore Center, to facilitate lessons with Sohi students, utilizing KPBSD School Board approved curriculum related to these topics. 

9th grade students receive this curriculum during health class.

These lessons take place in the form of grade-level presentations/workshops. 

For more information on the Alaska Safe Children’s Act, please visit the Alaska Department of Ed. & Early Development

If you would like to opt your student out of these lessons, please contact the Soldotna High School front office.  Thank you!