What Skills Can We Work on Now?

Click the blue box to find out...

Hint: It's NOT academics!! 

Learning begins at home with YOU!!

You are your child's first and most important teacher. Children learn by watching and doing and the most important thing a child needs to grow is a caring adult. Take time to talk with them, listen to them, read with them, play with them and LOVE them.  Other ways you can help your child be ready for kindergarten are to read, read, read and work on the skills below to help your child be successful.


LIFE SKILLS Checklist.pdf

Read regularly with your child

When reading to children, read with CARE (Comment, Ask, Respond, Expand). Talk about characters, have your child make predictions, ask questions, recall previous parts and HAVE FUN with books! 

Here are some questions to ask your child:




Reading With Preschoolers.pdf

Independence & Responsibility

It can be challenging and very time consuming as a teacher with 15-20 students in class to individually help each child throughout the day.  Please help by working with your child at home to make sure they are able to do the following COMPLETELY ON THEIR OWN:

Social Skills

How to take turns and share toys

How to appropriately verbalize and express feelings

Establish personal space and boundaries

Fine Motor Skills

Strengthening the muscles in fingers and hands help to make better writers. Here are some activities to try:


Recognize and write own name

Use glue and scissors to cut straight, curved and zigzag lines

Recognize and name upper and lowercase letters

Letter sounds

Difference between letters, numbers words and sentences

Identify, name & write numerals to 10

Counting objects as high as s/he can

Basic colors, shapes and positional words (in, out, between, beside…)

Talk about more, less, same, smaller, larger, longer, shorter, etc.