Frequently Asked Questions

How old does my child need to be?

Your child should be 5 years old by September 1st in order to be enrolled in kindergarten.

Is it full day or half day kindergarten?

The first week of school can be strenuous for students (and their parents).  To help adjust to the new schedule, the first week of kindergarten will be shortened days.  Half of the students will attend school from 8:00 – 10:30 and the other half from 12:002:30.   The week before school starts,  we will post which session students will attend on the front doors of the school.  We try to accommodate work, daycare and carpool needs so please communicate those needs with the teachers. During this first week, there will be NO LUNCH FOR KINDERGARTEN, we will provide a small snack and BUSES WILL ONLY DROP OFF AT 8:00am AND PICKUP at 2:30pm.  There will be no buses in between sessions.   

Kindergartners begin attending school for the full day from 8:00am to 2:50pm on the second week of school. During this week, students may begin riding the bus to and from school and will eat lunch at school with their classmates. 

How long is the school day?

School doors open at 7:50am and class starts promptly at 8:00am. Our day ends at 2:20pm.

In order to optimize the learning time each day, it is important that students are arriving and departing within the time frames specified.  Please have your child to school on time so we can begin our day together. If children don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and the chance to build a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers. Kindergarten and 1st grade classes often have absenteeism rates as high as those in high school. Many of these absences are excused, but they still add up to lost time in the classroom.

Does my child need a snack? What about lunch?

YES! Please send a nutritious snack to school every day for our morning snack time, even if your child is getting a school lunch.  Please choose foods that will help satisfy your child’s hunger nutritiously.  Good examples are nuts, fruit, cheese, yogurt, crackers, veggies, raisins, etc. Sugary items like cookies, gummy fruit snacks, sweetened cereal, chips or fruit drinks will be saved for lunchtime. Water bottles are also encouraged to be brought for use throughout the day. 

Lunch can be sent from home or purchased from the school.  If sending food from home, please make sure that your child is able to independently set it up.  We do have a microwave available for heating foods, but please be mindful that we realistically only have about 20-25 minutes to eat.  Remember too, that it is always better to have more food than not enough.  

What should my child wear?

Kindergarten is a very active learning environment.  Please make sure that what your child wears to school allows them to appropriately move,  be creative and  artistic and have fun.  

Please be prepared to dress your child for all kinds of weather.  We go outside multiple times for recess most days.  Warm winter gear is important for your child to have, as well as rain boots and rain gear.  It is helpful to have all items labeled with your child’s name or initials.

How can I volunteer?

If you would like to help in your child’s class or on field trips please complete the district volunteer application after July 1st for the upcoming year. Visit the district website, click on “Volunteers”, then follow the steps for a new volunteer application, or reactivate an existing application.  This needs to be completed every school year. 

We welcome and appreciate all the time and talents you are able to share.  Generally, we do not have volunteers in the classroom for the first few weeks of school to allow students time to adjust to new faces and schedules.