Bulldog Packet

Dear seniors,

It seems that since the beginning of time, you have heard about the “Bulldog packet.”  What is the bulldog packet?  It is this form I attached, a resume, 3 references, and a personal essay.  The bulldog packet is for scholarships given exclusively to NMHS students.  It used to be for a lot more money, but there aren’t many local scholarships left.  Every senior at the school used to do one as it also prepares you for work – minus the essay.  Those scholarships applications are due March 31st




Step 1 – build/finish resume

Step 2 – Give that resume to at least 3 people who know you (but aren’t related and can say good things about you) and tell them your deadline is January 22nd.  Adults expect to write resumes.  It is part of being a grown up.  They are longer you make the deadline, the longer they will procrastinate (just like you.)

Step 3 – Fill out the packet info

Step 4 Write the essay.  Ideally, it should be one page.  First, a paragraph of a story or narrative about what makes you or your story unique.  Simon wrote about fishing, Corbin wrote about playing with trucks, Wyatt wrote about fixing things, Jessica wrote about always playing school. Then tell my why this part of the story connects you to your career/college path.  Then tell me how you are going to get to this goal.  The formula is the same – your story is unique. What happens if you change your mind?  What if you write that you are going to be a ballerina and then decide brain surgery is for you?  Every adult knows that every 18-year-old will likely change course from their first initial goal.  This is an investment in YOU (Not a gift) so they want to know what you are planning FOR NOW and see if it fits and that you can follow through with a plan for your idea.

Step 5 – Get a least 2 adults to edit the entire packet.


This is the information you will need for almost ALL of the scholarships out there. There are scholarships for all you.  We just need to connect.  Get busy. Find me for help.  Again… ALERT…ALERT….




Here to help,
