Lesson Ideas & Activities

Motor Coordination Activities

Nature Scavenger Hunt
Inventor Scavenger Hunt
Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
Indoor Scavenger Hunt

HOME ACTIVITIES: 30 minute workouts




Body weight exercises

Free weights/home gym

Different Sport skills practice: Ex...shooting baskets, whatever your sport is

Agility workouts


Riding bike


Cleaning the house

Stair Stepping

Jump rope

Aerobic Dance: Lunges, jumping jacks, high knees, dancing (come up with your own routine using these movements as examples)

Deck of Cards workout

Players grab a deck of cards for workout at home

Aces = 11

Face Cards = 10

Number Cards = # Value

Suggested activities or choose your own!

Hearts = Push-ups or wall push ups or plank

Diamonds = Jumping Jacks or pogo jumps

Spades = Curl ups or sit ups

Clubs = Squats

Driveway Obstacle Course
House Obstacle Course
Table Top Shuffleboard

Track Your STEPS use this link to show you how ~ FREE RESOURCE from PE CENTRAL