We are recruiting MS and Ph.D. students. 

How to get into MY-LAB as a Ph.D. student?  You can apply to 

1. TIGP-Nano program  2. TIGP-MSTNTU-MST  3. NTU Physics 

Please contact Prof. Ya-Ping Hsieh ( for details to join our group.  

誠徵 碩士班學生、博士班學生、博士後研究員


誠徵 博士後研究員。E-mail  至 謝雅萍博士

Good to know

We found that students have some common concerns.

​Here is a list of frequently asked questions.

I don't have a background in ... can I still apply?

What things can I learn?

Do I really need to speak English?

We are a diverse group of researchers with many different skills. If you are motivated and have an interest in research we will find a project that matches your interest and abilities.

In working with us and depending on your interests you will gain skills in image processing, programming, data analysis, scientific writing, public speaking, and much, much more.

English is the language of science and a way for our international group to communicate. You will find that your English-levels are more than sufficient to make friends and talk about work.