Where's My Course?

Where's My Course?

There's an issue. You haven't gotten a login or you can login but nothing is there. What is going on? See the possible issues below and email Emily.Herrin@hayscisd.net if you still have questions.

Issue 1

Students login to the Edgenuity SIS Portal. When they click on their class, the lobby has announcements but no course.


Data is not syncing to the account. Please notify us via email. If they have received a confirmation email and their course does not show up they need to email me immediately. Please reinforce to kids Don’t Wait- Communicate!

Issue 2

Students have requested a course but have not received a login.


The system will send them an auto email with their login info as soon as they create an account. They do not even have to request a course or be approved but they will get this as soon as the account is actually created. If they have not received an Account Created email, it either means:

a) They made an error when putting in their email or

b) They never actually created the account.

Issue 3

Students have requested a course and can login but it’s not in their course list.


If they have requested the course and have not received an email that it has been approved, then it has not been approved yet by the counselor. Once it is approved, students get a "Course Approved" email which contains a link to the orientation page and a message that they will not be enrolled until they have completed the orientation and scored 100%

Issue 4

Students have requested a course and it has been approved but their course is still not available when they login


They have not completed the orientation with 100% (some are taking it, missing questions and not going back to find the correct answers or they have not taken it at all.

Issue 5

Students have taken and passed the orientation but haven’t gotten any information about their course


The course has not been requested. Sometimes students select a course, create their account but close out before they get the green confirmation check (this is all in the orientation and the "How to request a course" videos on the website). If they do this I will see their account but their will be no course request.

Issue 6

Login that was sent to student will not let them login


They are trying to login on the LMS site (local courses) instead of the SIS Portal at https://sislogin.edgenuity.com.

Issue 7

Students are trying to login with last year’s login on this year’s catalog and it is not letting them login


They are still associated with last year’s catalog. They can email me and I can move it over to this year's catalog or they can create a new account.