Frequently Asked Questions

Why was I dropped from my class?

Edgenuity gives Hays students a 2 week grace period to try out their online course before incurring a course fee. You have 2 weeks to get on pace and have a minimum of 70% in order to continue in the course. If a student does not have at least 70% by 2 weeks they will be automatically dropped. This prevents the loss of scholarships to students who are not committed to completing the course and receiving credit. 

Where's my course?

Sometimes you think you've registered but you haven't gotten any information and you do not have a class in your list. What's up with that? Click to see the possible issues

When will my class start and how long do I have to complete it?

You may select when you want your course to start. This will help you avoid busy times and start your course when you can fully commit to staying on pace. When you request a course, select a date when you feel you can start and be most successful. If approved, we will set your start date for the next Monday after the date you selected. Monday start dates help us communicate with you more efficiently about critical dates.

My computer just died! Now what?

First of all, contact the Director of Digital Learning, Emily Herrin - We can put your course on temporary hold while you secure a new computer. You can also work on your course at the public library, school library, Night School Lab at Live Oak Academy or at a friend or family member's house. Communicate with us and we'll work with you!

My test is locked! How to I continue?

All tests and exams must be taken in person in Edge Lab or at the Night School Lab. Ask your online teacher to email you an exam pass and show it to the Lab teacher. He/She will open the test so that you can take it. You have 2 attempts at a quiz. After that it will be locked and you will need to contact your teacher to review what you don't understand and to show that you are taking notes.

Are online courses easier or more difficult than regular courses?

Online courses are neither more difficult or easier. It varies by student learning styles. Online courses are not for everyone. They require you to be organized, independent, motivated, and willing to communicated frequently via email. If any of these things are challenging, you may find an online course difficult. Online courses require you to master the same concepts as a traditional course and they require more independence and less reliance on peer interaction.

How do I qualify for a scholarship?

Scholarships are awarded on a first come first serve basis for fee-based courses during the regular school year. If a student is awarded a scholarship but drops the course later or receives an incomplete, the student will not qualify for another scholarship until they have paid for and successfully completed another course. This limits the loss of scholarship funds to students who are not committed to completing the course.

What if I'm not sure about taking an online course?

The best place to start is with your counselor. They know your graduation requirements and can discuss your options with you. Some course are best taken face to face and your counselor will be able to advise you based on your learning needs.