
Kiyoul Yang -- quantum nonlinear photonics

Nonlinear-Quantum Photonics

Ultrafast photonics, where massively parallel optical waves are synchronously lined up, is an essential toolbox for exploring fundamental physics problems on a large scale. In conjunction with advanced nanofabrication techniques, both classical or non-classical states of electromagnetic fields may open a range of problems that we can address (source: NIST).

Kiyoul Yang -- Photonic-Electronic Systems

Photonic-Electronic Systems

Photonic systems, once incorporated with CMOS electronics, can potentially address a few significant challenges for information processing and sensing as well as large-scale computing (Ref: Nat. Commun. (2022)).

Kiyoul Yang -- optimized photonics, photonic inverse design

Optimization of Photonic Systems

Computational optimization unveils photonic device structures and systems capable of facilitating new functionalities, for example, multi-dimensional optical data transmission at a rate of Terabits per second (courtesy of Jesse Lu, SPINS Photonics).

Previous Research Summary