
Research Highlights at Scientific Journals

News & articles from Harvard

News from our group

October 1, 2023:  Welcome Tianyi  

Tianyi Zeng has joined our team as a postdoc researcher. Tianyi completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering with Qing Hu at MIT where he studied mid-infrared broadband quantum cascaded laser frequency combs. As a postdoc, he will apply his laser physics and nanofabrication backgrounds to advance photonic devices/ systems and unlock new capabilities. He also hopes to explore various nonlinear microresonator structures. Welcome Tianyi!   

September 7, 2023: Welcome Langa

Langa Siziba has joined our team as a undergraduate researcher and she is a recipient of HQI undergraduate research fellowship. Langa is a rising junior concentrating in Electrical Engineering with a secondary in Physics, and a Co-President of Harvard Society of Women Engineers. Welcome Langa! 

September 1, 2023: Welcome Aditya

Aditya Paul has joined our team as a graduate researcher, and he completed his B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering and B.S. in Computer Science at Duke. Aditya worked with Crystal Noel and Jeff Thompson on computational optimization of trapped ions and neutral atoms quantum systems, respectively. Aditya is a graduate student in Electrical Engineering at MIT. Welcome Aditya!

September 1, 2023: Welcome Danxian

Danxian Liu has joined our team as a graduate researcher, and she completed her B.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Princeton. Danxian worked with Claire Gmachl's team on quantum cascaded lasers. Danxian is a graduate student in Applied Physics. Welcome Danxian!  

September 1, 2023: Welcome Rui

Rui Jiang has joined our team as a graduate researcher, and he completed his B.S. in Physics at Peking University. Rui worked on topological exciton-polaritons in the labs of Yun-Feng Xiao and Wenjing Liu. Rui is a graduate student in Applied Physics. Welcome Rui! 

September 1, 2023: Welcome Egemen
Egemen Bostan has joined our team as a graduate researcher, and he completed his S.B. in Engineering Sciences at Harvard. Egemen worked in the lab of Gage Hills and Marko Loncar on photonic-electronic system on thin film lithium niobate. Egemen is a graduate student in Electrical Engineering. Welcome Egemen!