Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone outside of Harvard access this course?

CS 249R is only available to Harvard students and affiliates but there is an online version of this course available to the public.

Check out the HarvardX tab for more information on the online course.

I am not sure if I have the necessary background to take this course. How can I self assess?

Harvard students: please refer to the prerequisites. If you still have questions, please contact

While there really are no exclusion criteria for observing the course, we’d ask that you do a quick self-assessment to ensure that you can check two of the three following boxes, at least to some degree.

  • Familiarity with programming (C/C++, Python, command line interface, et cetera).

  • Some experience with machine learning concepts (deep learning is most relevant).

  • Some experience with embedded systems (think microcontrollers, sensors).

Where can I purchase the TinyML course kit?

Harvard students should consult Canvas for more details.

Others interested in the HarvardX course can purchase the kits associated with assignments and projects from Arduino. More details will be provided on the HarvardX page.

Is the TinyML course kit necessary to participate?

In the minds of the course staff, absolutely. While you might pick up some conceptual information in watching talks and reading the tinyML book, there is nothing quite like getting your hands dirty. We have tried to work closely with the kind folks at Arduino to make the kits as affordable as possible, so this learning experience could be accessible to all.