program models for healthcare

Tribal capacity-building takes time. Identifying reliable resources is part of the process, and we want to meet you halfway on that front. We've gathered relevant initiatives highlighted through our Honoring Nations awards program over the years. When you're ready to develop program models that fit your nation's needs, look to what's working for Native nations across Indian Country.

Select a program from the dropdown menu or read more below:

Community Wellness - Calricaraq: Indigenous Yup'ik Wellbeing

Self-governance Compact - Choctaw Health Center

Community Wellness Center - Coeur d'Alene Tribal Wellness Center

Tribal & Federal Service Coordination - Family Violence & Victim Services

Inter-tribal Substance Abuse Treatment - Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations

Rural Health Solutions - Health Aide Training Programs

Primary and Dental Services - Institutionalized Quality Improvement Program

Multi-System Advisory - Navajo Nation Methamphetamine Task Force

Inter-tribal Advocacy and Advisory - Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

Third-Party Billing and Service Delivery Improvement - Pharmacy On-Line Billing Initiative

Breast Cancer Prevention and Screening - Pine Hill Health Center Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc.

Children's Holistic Health Care - School-Based Health Centers

Community Awareness (Diabetes and Substance Misuse) - Whirling Thunder Wellness Program

Suicide Prevention - White Earth Suicide Intervention Team

Calricaraq: Indigenous Yup’ik Wellbeing, 2016 Honoree

Elder widsom and traditional knowledge help this Yup'ik community address historical trauma and restore community health.


Choctaw Health Center, 1999 Honoree

Self-governance compact to align tribal priorities with health care delivery provisions. Improvements in immunization rates and life expectancy for citizens.


Coeur d'Alene Tribal Wellness Center, 2000 Honoree

Utilizing a whole-life approach to health and focusing on preventative care, the Center complements acute and primary health services.


Family Violence & Victim Services, 2003 Honoree

Successful coordination of law enforcement, justice, and social service personnel with a zero-tolerance domestic violence and sexual abuse intiative.


Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations, 2002 Honoree

An Inter-tribal partnership designed to address chronic health problems and provide culturally appropriate substance abuse treatment.


Health Aide Training Programs, 2018 Honoree

Bridging the language and health care access barrier for better outcomes for rural Alaska Natives. Aides practice in over 170 communities.


Institutionalized Quality Improvement Program, 1999 Honoree

Tribally-managed primary and dental services best address the health care needs of the Puyallup community while sustaining the highest degree of excellence.


Navajo Nation Methamphetamine Task Force, 2006 Honoree

Drawing upon education, community involvement, cultural philosophies, and collaborations, inter-generational task forces address community health and safety.


Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, 2003 Honoree

Forty-three member tribes create and manage effective health care systems that are designed to meet community needs. The board addresses the needs of tribes in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.


Pharmacy On-Line Billing Initiative, 2000 Honoree

The first of its kind in Indian Country, third party billing through a computerized billing system not only improves quality of care for tribal members, but also brought revenue to the nation.


Pine Hill Health Center Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc., 2008 Honoree

Leveraging trusted community resources, preventative breast cancer outreach gained a wide base of support and acceptance within a traditional community.


School-Based Health Centers, 2015 Honoree

Prioritizing children's dental, medical, mental and nutritional care, this model of integrative health care used Medicaid reimbursements to open clinics in the community's schools.


Whirling Thunder Wellness Program, 2002 Honoree

Addressing risk factors and health indicators, diabetes and substance abuse helped form a dual-focus program of culturally relevant prevention efforts and healthy lifestyle practices.


White Earth Suicide Intervention Team, 2000 Honoree

Grassroots community action catches the support of the council, and a suicide intervention task force evaluated the community's response to suicide attempts making sustainable and life saving corrections.