Apply Now

Thank you for your interest in the EPIC program!  

The application closed February 9, 2024.  Please read the below notes.  If you moved to the cluster after February 9th or were told to fill out the application by Kelly Dyar or Lacey Jakes - please see below.

The essay will be submitted as a link within your application.  You must make sure sharing settings allow us to see your work.  Here is the prompt to help you prepare:

EPIC learning is experiential, projected based, innovative, cross-curricular, and collaborative. This is a new approach to learning that require students to explore, discover and use critical thinking skills. To be successful, our team values time management, collaboration and problem solving skills.             

Please submit a LINK and please make sure the share settings enable us to see your work.  The questions may be answered as an essay (link to google doc) or in place of an essay you can be creative and submit a link to a video, art, presentation, time-line, storyboard, or other means of communications where you answer the two questions in an alternative format.