News from the Nest

Dacula Middle School

137 Dacula Road, Dacula, GA 30019 / 770.963.1110

October 1, 2021

2022-2023 GCPS School Year Calendar

GCPS is looking for your input and feedback to help decide which calendar option will be choosen for the 2022-2023 school year.

To view the three options and cast your vote, please visit our survey link at:

This survey closes on Monday, 10/11th.

Step It Up! Fundraiser

Our school year is off to an AWESOME start, which is why we are SO excited to invite all of you to participate in our Step It Up! Fundraiser.

We need your help to raise money for: Electronic/Digital sign for school communication, regarding recognition and information with the community.

In addition to:

1. New technology

2. Curriculum enhancements

3. Innovative learning tools

4. Supplies not funded by the district

Our next step is to ask each of you to take action TONIGHT by clicking the link below. It will take you to our school’s fundraiser website where you can set up your child’s Personal Donation page and invite your friends and family to join our efforts by sending them a donation invitation.

This entire fundraiser can be completed in TEN MINUTES OR LESS. Please send out TEN or MORE donation invitations via your Personal Donation Page and your child will qualify for Golden Ticket prizes and drawings! Once you have sent at least 10 donation invitations please sign the Golden Ticket your student brought home and have your child return it to school TOMORROW to be part of the fun!

Every donation big or small will help our school. Please help us reach 100% participation TONIGHT, so that we can continue to fund and support our students’ bright and amazing future!

Mark Your Calendars

8th Grade PSAT 8/9 ~ October 26, 2021

The PSAT 8/9 (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test 8/9) is a test given in 8th grade that helps determine what students need to work on most so that they are ready for college when they graduate from high school. It’s part of the College Board family of assessments that includes the SAT college-admission assessment and the PSAT/NMSQT, a preview of the SAT. The PSAT 8/9 tests the same skills and knowledge as the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT, but in a way that makes sense for 8th graders. It also gives students a chance to preview the SAT and the PSAT/NMSQT.

The test focuses on skills and knowledge in the areas of Reading, Writing and Language, and Mathematics— what students have been learning in school and what they’ll need to succeed in college.

Each section takes approximately 35 minutes, for a total of about two hours on testing day.

Car Rider Procedures

Presently, our car rider line presents a big safety concern for our community and those traveling along Dacula Road.

Our bell rings for car rider dismissal at 3:50 pm. Parents may arrive on campus for car rider pick-up no earlier than 3:40 pm. This includes not parking in a parking space awaiting the start of car riders. Beginning Tuesday, September 7, any cars that arrive prior to 3:40 pm will be re-routed from the car rider line.

As an alternative, we ask that you park at Dacula Park until the start of our car rider line. If you choose to have your child become a walker and meet you at Dacula Park for the sake of expediency, you’ll be pleased to know that our walkers are dismissed at 3:50 pm as well.

When trying to access the car rider lane, cars should not park on Dacula Road in the Northbound lane (towards Dacula High) or the Southbound left turning lane (towards the bridge). Due to traffic safety concerns, we have been advised that this will become an offense worthy of a citation from law enforcement. Cars should join the car rider line along Auburn Road.

We are working diligently to see that we have a safe dismissal for our students while also maintaining safe roads you, the community, and our emergency vehicles. Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate your attention to this matter.

Please click here for our car rider procedures located on our website.


Based on this guidance and for the safety of our students, staff, and visitors, Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) requires the wearing of masks or cloth face coverings in our schools and facilities and on school buses, regardless of vaccination status.

The CDC indicates correct and consistent mask use is a critical step everyone can take to prevent getting and spreading COVID-19. Masks work best when everyone wears them, but not all masks provide the same protection.

With that in mind, Gwinnett County Public Schools requires masks to:

  • Fully cover the nose and mouth and secure under the chin.

  • Fit securely against both sides of the face.

  • Masks that have an exhalation valve or vent and masks made from mesh fabrics are not recommended by the CDC as they allow virus particles to escape and spread. As a result, these types of masks do not meet GCPS’ mask requirement.

Scan this QR code to access and complete the GCPS Meal Application:

Remember to complete your Back to School Forms!

Please log on to MyPaymentsPlus to complete important documents necessary for the start of school.

Have you joined our amazing DMS PTSA?

Becoming a member helps support the amazing work & events the PTSA does for our students & school!

Click Here to join the PTSA

What's Happening at DMS?

All players planning on trying out must have a completed physical form turned in to the coach listed above by 10/12th.

Click Here for the required Physical Form

Yearbook Information

Community News

Home of the R.E.A.L. Falcons

Dacula Middle School will become a world-class school that provides a safe and nurturing environment where students acquire the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and beliefs to be successful in college and careers in a diverse society.