News from the Nest 

Dacula Middle School

137 Dacula Road, Dacula, GA  30019 / 770.963.1110

December 6, 2024


Ms. Brown 

Bright Ideas is a grant program from Jackson EMC that awards funds for creative and innovative classroom projects developed by middle school teachers. 

This grant program provides funds to state certified educators in a middle school in Jackson EMC’s service area.

Congratulations to both Ms. Brown, 8th grade Science, and Ms. Parker, Marketing, for applying for and being awarded Bright Ideas grants! 

Ms. Brown received a $2,000 grant for a project to help students learning about electromagnetic force and motion. Ms. Parker received a $331 grant for a design your own stadium project.


Ms. Parker

Mark Your Calendars

Variety packs will be available for purchase starting Monday, December 9th through MyPaymentsPlus.

A few individual cards will be available for purchase through The Falcons' Nest.

Picture Retake Day - December 11th

On December 11th, we will be taking pictures of anyone who:

1. Was absent on the original September 25th picture day.

2. Has enrolled since the September 25th picture day.

3. Bought pictures and is unhappy with their package and is retaking their portrait. 

The old package must be returned on the 12/11th retake date.

You can order these pictures, as well as still order fall pictures from the original date, here:

Click "Order Prints/Products" to order.

DMS Counseling Corner

Want to hear all that latest going on at DMS?

Title 1 ~ News You Can Use

Did you know that all of our Title I Information and Resources can now be found on our DMS Website?

You can learn all about what Title I is, see all of our upcoming family & community engagement events, review our 2024-2025 budget, read about our plan & our promise, and so much more! 

To view these items, you can click the DMS Title I icon or look for it on our homepage by scrolling to the Announcements section.

PIC Digest Archives ~ English & Ediciones en español

What's Going on at DMS

Soccer conditioning will now begin on Tuesday, 12/10th to give additional time to complete required RankOne paperwork.


Morning Car Rider Drop Off:

For your child's safety, car riders should not be dropped off prior to the morning bell at 8:55 am in the car rider lane. The car rider lane will close at 9:20 am, and students must be in class by 9:25 to avoid being marked tardy.

Bus Dismissal:

For your convenience, we post our bus calls on our website to keep you informed of when your student leaves the building by bus. You can access this information each afternoon by logging on to our website. 

Click on the Students/Parents tab across the top and then click on Afternoon Bus Dismissal.

Afternoon buses are posted to our website as they arrive at Dacula Middle with the bus call they are part of.

The time that students are called to load that set of buses is listed in the last column.

Buses leave our school approximately 5 - 7 minutes after the time listed in the green column.

** Please refresh your browser page every few minutes for real-time updates. **

Need to find the DMS Cafeteria Menus?

You can now find these through the DMS Website:

Dress Code:

Parents, we can really use your help with Dress Code. We want to make sure that our Falcons are dressed appropriately and ready to learn. Please see the following reminders linked below.

2024-2025 Dacula MS Student Dress Code Reminders

GCPS Technology Information


ParentSquare is GCPS's communication tool for families, schools, and teachers. 

Be sure you have updated your settings to make sure you are receiving all GCPS and Dacula MS updates and messages:

ParentSquare Tips and How To Information

GCPS Student 1:1 Device Information

Please see the new fee schedule for student assigned devices that are damaged or lost during the 2024-2025 school year. 

The GCPS Acceptable Use Policy and Student Device Care requirements are also available below:

 Parent and Student Device Responsiblities

Home of the R.E.A.L. Falcons

Dacula Middle School will become a world-class school that provides a safe and nurturing environment where students acquire the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and beliefs to be successful in college and careers in a diverse society.