News from the Nest
Dacula Middle School
137 Dacula Road, Dacula, GA 30019 / 770.963.1110
August 30, 2024
Car Rider and Walker Tag Information:
Starting Monday, September 9, 2024, all students who are afternoon car riders or walkers will be required to have a designated Car Rider Tag or Walker Tag attached to their bookbag. These tags will help us easily identify students during dismissal and ensure that they are leaving the campus in the correct manner.
Who Needs a Tag:
If your child walks from school each day, your child will need a walker tag.
If your child is a car rider from school each day, your child needs a car rider tag.
If your child catches the bus but is an occasional walker or car rider, your child will need a tag. This will allow your child to be dismissed with walkers/car riders on the days you have instructed them not to ride the bus. All other days the student is expected to ride the bus.
Sign Up for a Tag:
If your child regularly uses car rider or walker transportation, please sign up for the appropriate tag by filling out the form linked in our ParentSquare messages on 8/28th and 8/30th.
You can also contact the school office if you need assistance with signing up.
Tag Distribution:
Once you have signed up, the tags will be distributed to students, and they will be instructed to attach them to their bookbags.
The tags should remain on the bookbag at all times to ensure they are visible during dismissal.
Why This Is Important:
These tags are crucial in helping us manage the dismissal process more efficiently and safely. By clearly identifying car riders and walkers, we can ensure that students are leaving with the appropriate people and in the correct manner. This procedure also helps us monitor student movement and enhances overall campus security.
When are students released?:
Walkers are released at 3:57 pm; Car riders are released at 4:00 pm; Bus call begins at 4:05 pm.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we implement this new procedure. Our goal is to make sure that every student at Dacula Middle School is safe and accounted for during dismissal.
Mark Your Calendars
Our R.E.A.L. Falcons Making an IMPACT!
Title 1 ~ News You Can Use
Title I Document Review
If you are interested in reviewing Dacula Middle School's Title 1 Documents, see the information below:
Where: DMS Parent Center
When: September 4-5 from 8:30 am- 2:30 pm
Final Dacula Middle School Schoolwide Plan
Final Dacula Middle School Plan/Promise
Final Dacula Middle School Prioritized Budget Wish List
DMS PTA Fundraiser
DMS Counselors Corner
Morning Tutoring at DMS
Back to School Reminders
Morning Car Rider Drop Off:
For your child's safety, car riders should not be dropped off prior to the morning bell at 8:55 am in the car rider lane. The car rider lane will close at 9:20 am, and students must be in class by 9:25 to avoid being marked tardy.
Bus Dismissal:
For your convenience, we post our bus calls on our website to keep you informed of when your student leaves the building by bus. You can access this information each afternoon by logging on to our website.
Click on the Students/Parents tab across the top and then click on Afternoon Bus Dismissal.
Afternoon buses are posted to our website as they arrive at Dacula Middle with the bus call they are part of.
The time that students are called to load that set of buses is listed in the last column.
Buses leave our school approximately 5 - 7 minutes after the time listed in the green column.
** Please refresh your browser page every few minutes for real-time updates. **
Dress Code:
Parents, we can really use your help with Dress Code. We want to make sure that our Falcons are dressed appropriately and ready to learn. Please see the following reminders linked below.
Get Involved at DMS
Please note the change to Tuesday's schedule.
All students that would like to participate must complete the permission slip in order to attend:
Parent Mentors Presents
2024-2025 Free & Reduced Meal Applications
Children need healthy meals to learn. Gwinnett County Public Schools offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast costs $1.75; lunch costs $2.50 for elementary and $2.75 at middle and high schools. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced-price meals. The reduced price is $.30 for breakfast and $.40 for lunch. Below are some common questions and answers to help you with the application process.
All children in households receiving benefits from SNAP or TANF are eligible for free.
Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free.
Children participating in their school’s Head Start program are eligible for free.
Children who meet the definition of homeless, runaway, or migrant are eligible for free.
Children may receive free or reduced-price meals if your household’s income is within the limits on the Federal Income Eligibility Chart.
SY24-25 Free and Reduced Price Meal Application
You can also log on to the Back To School portion of our website for more information and access to forms.
GCPS Technology Information
ParentSquare is GCPS's communication tool for families, schools, and teachers.
Be sure you have updated your settings to make sure you are receiving all GCPS and Dacula MS updates and messages:
GCPS Student 1:1 Device Information
Please see the new fee schedule for student assigned devices that are damaged or lost during the 2024-2025 school year.
The GCPS Acceptable Use Policy and Student Device Care requirements are also available below: