
Team Expectations

  • Be in the classroom and ready to start class when the bell rings.

  • Bring all necessary materials to class.

  • Listen and follow instructions.

  • Be respectful of adults and students.

  • Raise your hand to ask a question or to ask for help.

  • Complete all assignments neatly and turn them in on the due date.

Strike Policy

A student will receive a strike in class when he/she does not follow the school wide policy of the 3Rs (respect, responsibility, and ready to learn). After earning five strikes, the student will be issued a 60 minutes detention before/after school. If 15 or more strikes occur, the student will receive an office referral. Points will be tracked on Class Dojo.

We use Class Dojo to make it quick and simple to communicate with parents about the students in our rooms. We will send both positive remarks as well as notes about skills that require work. Dojo is a simple tool to use. It will send text messages, emails, or app notifications straight to your desired device. Our team does keep track of strikes and detentions through Dojo as well as send home notes. If you have any questions about any communication you receive (positive or negative), you may contact any team teacher through Dojo, email, or another method. You should have received a parent letter for your student's Dojo account during the first week of school. If you would like to request another, please email Mrs. Swininger.