

We sincerely thank all our donors who have contributed to ESU Phi Kappa Phi.

ESU Phi Kappa Phi is unique in the sense that it is the only honor society on campus that recognizes academic excellence across ALL disciplines. Our members include ESU students, faculty members, and administrators. Giving to Phi Kappa Phi will support the academic excellence we are proud of and will benefit the entire ESU community.

ESU Phi Kappa Phi scholarship fund was established by Professor June Underwood (former associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) and Professor John Ransom (former chair of the Division of Biological Sciences) in 1984.

To give to ESU Phi Kappa Phi,

  • click on this link.
  • select “Other” in the drop-down box
  • enter “Phi Kappa Phi scholarship fund 107798”.

Thank you for your generosity!

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi