Natural History Museum
"Museum visitors looking at displays of mounted specimens find this close-up viewing to be of great benefit in acquainting themselves with wildlife. That is why many naturalists and sportsmen have at one time or another, wished they could master the art of taxidermy."
(Richard H. Schmidt, 1972)
The Schmidt Museum of Natural History contains a comprehensive collection of approximately 600 taxidermy mounts of birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish from Kansas. A research collection of more than 2,500 bird and mammal skins from various parts of the U.S. is maintained for advanced study and research.
The museum mounts are the work of Richard Schmidt whose career began as a school boy in 1925 and culminated with his retirement as taxidermist at Emporia State University (then Emporia Kansas State College). The specimens in the museum are grouped taxonomically and allow visitors to see clearly the color and structural details useful in identifying species. Other interesting features include displays of rare specimens collected in Kansas, invertebrates, an egg collection, unusual color patterns of certain species, techniques for preparing museum mounts, and a tallgrass prairie diorama.
For more information about Richard Schmidt, go here.