
Apex Lab

Applied Experimental Psychology Lab

We study applications of social and cognitive psychology in legal, organizational, and educational contexts. Common threads throughout these contexts include:

  • How language, and speaking a second language, changes the cognitive and social processes of interactions — like eyewitness interviews or job interviews.

  • How we can leverage metacognitive processes to improve performance on memory tasks — like eyewitness lineups or multiple choice exams.

  • How we make social judgments in different situations — like on juries or when wearing masks.

  • How we evaluate information and the source of information — like on juries or when reading something that might be "fake news."

Legal Psychology

Eyewitness memory, investigative interviewing, lie detection, suggestibility, jury decision-making

Organizational Psychology

Power/authority, social cognition in the workplace, wellbeing

Educational Psychology

Cognition and metacognition, judgments of learning, retrieval practice

Recent Publications

  • Wylie, K., Pena, M. M., Miller, K. B., Palmer, M. E., & Tate, E. K. (2022). Observers’ accuracy in detecting deception in non-native speakers versus native speakers: A systematic review. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.

  • Molinaro, P. F., Charman, S. D., & Wylie, K. (2021). Pre-identification confidence is related to eyewitness lineup identification accuracy across heterogenous encoding conditions. Law and Human Behavior, 45(6), 524–541.

See more: Publications