Information for Campers

The ESU String Camp is July 31 - August 4, 2023

Important dates and times:

The BUMBLEBEE program 

The BUMBLEBEE Program is for students in grades 1st-6th or beginner level. The Bumblebees go from 9 am – 12 pm and have sessions on Instrument technique, Orchestra, Music Theory and Creative Lab. Friday is a full day camp day, going from 9 am up to our 4 pm concert. Bring some lunch money for pizza!

The HORNET program

The Hornet Program is for students in grades 7th-12th or intermediate level. The Hornets go from 9 am – 3 pm and have sessions on Technique and masterclass, Music Theory, Creative Lab, Chamber music and Orchestra.


Students can prepare a solo in advance to play for masterclass and the student recital. This is optional but encouraged!

Chamber Music and Orchestra

All students will be a part of a small ensemble and the orchestra.


Hornets will walk to the Didde Center every day to eat lunch. You may purchase our lunch plan for the whole week ($35) or bring your own lunch.

Bumblebees have a full day camp on Friday- Bring $10 lunch money for pizza or bring your own lunch


Snacks will be provided during the morning and afternoon breaks. We ask families to bring snack food donations like fruit, crackers, granola bars, etc.