Productos Auxiliar 23-24

MATHS: Tic-Talgebra

Did you know there is a game similar to tic-tac-toe to play with polynomials? When you play, you are practicing multiplying and factoring polynomials. It's a chance to encourage the students to practice operations with polynomials. We played it in the class on April 24th, and it was so fun! Check out game board and the factor board!

Mathematics: Playing with logarithms

In Maths in 4th ESO, we played two games with logarithms: Log Bingo, and Log war. We made some cards and we played in groups. We had a lot of fun!

We dedicated one class to build an instrument to measure the angle which we see an object...

And later, we went to the square of our town to measure the height of the iconic front wall of church.

How do scientists communicate their findings?

Chemistry: Science for our future

This activity started with a presentation about how to present scientific findings. The end of the presentation shifted into a discussion about how science affects our every day life and society. We watched a video about Artificial Intelligence headbands used in classrooms in China. The headbands informed the students' teachers and parents about their class performance. Our students were shocked at this use of technology and did NOT have interest in wearing them. 

Element Matching.pdf

Chemistry: Elements

With 3°ESO we practiced element names and their respective functions. This was a matching activity that focused on the trace elements and the bio-elements, both of which are essential to the human body. The students also practiced pronunciation and came up to the whiteboard to practice spelling. 

Chemistry: Playing to sink the fleat

We used the periodic table to play to sink the fleat in order  to reach three goals: Learn the name of the elements ,  remember where they are placed and have fun playing  as well!!!. 

Chemistry: Chemical elements crossword 

The students have to solve a croosword plenty of names of elements

Mario MATHS: Function Frenzy!

In "Mario Maths: Function Frenzy!", 4º ESO students explore mathematical functions through designing Mario Bros levels. After a brief introduction to functions, students map elements of the game to mathematical functions. Creativity and teamwork flourish as students integrate assigned functions into their level designs. Presentations foster discussion on how functions influence gameplay mechanics, promoting deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Through this hands-on approach, students grasp abstract mathematical ideas in a tangible, engaging context. They reflect on real-world applications, recognizing functions as tools for modeling diverse phenomena.

Our current assistant worked on specific function vocabulary with the students: domain, range, discontinuities, intercepts with the axes... and helped them designing titles that represented their work. Thank you, Eli!

History: An introduction to World War II

We opened up our World War II unit in 4ºESO with a reading and an activity in English. The students worked in groups to first read and understand an historical text and then respond to questions on the board in relation to the reading. We reviewed the basics of World War II such as The Allies, The Axis, the reasons why the war broke out, the failures of the League of Nations, the types of government of the respective countries, and some of the most important leaders. 

Geography: Exploring Earth's Terrain

As we have transitioned to learning more about geography, we reviewed some of the most important geographical terms to know. The students were tasked with drawing and labeling the various types of terrain that we find on Earth. On top of that we practiced pronunciation for some of the more complicated words. "Island" proved to be tricky for the students as silent letters in English words are always a bit tricky for native Spanish speakers. 

Eli and a few of the students with their finished projects

Learning the terms with Eli (above)

Playing a game related to the vocabulary (below)

Chemistry: Separating the components of a mixture

This was a fun matching activity we did with the second year students. The students came up the Smartboard and had to matching an English word with its Spanish translation. Oftentimes with chemistry vocabulary the students are able to guess the translations because many words are similar in both languages. The students really enjoyed the interactive elements of this activity and anticipated their turn to match the terms. 

The Parts of a Mosque

History: Islam

As a part of our Islam unit with 2°ESO we went through the different parts of a mosque in English. Later we learned about Arabic architecture and looked at different places in Ubrique and in Spain where we can see this type of art. The students reviewed the vocabulary related to Islam and mosques and labeled the parts of a mosque with its corresponding English word. 

The Rock Cycle.pdf

Geology: The Rock Cycle

With 3°ESO we learned about the rock cycle and reviewed important English vocabulary related to the topic. The students learned the different types of rock and also how they are formed. By doing so they went over some new verbs such as to melt, to wash, to cool and many others. We also worked in the lab trying to identify different rock types. This was a fun activity and many students quickly caught on to the English vocabulary because of the similarities in both languages!

Biology: Understanding COVID-19

We read and discussed an interesting article about the loss of smell and taste for those who have and have had COVID-19. The students were engaged in this topic because it is something that has been a part of all of our lives. After reading the article, the auxiliar, went through various questions with the class to gauge their understanding of the article and for them to practice speaking. You can find these questions attached on the left. 

The Solar System.pdf

Biology/Geology: The Solar System

In class with our first year students we began the year talking about the solar system. The students engaged with the auxiliar to learn the names of the planets in English. One important takeaway was the hard J sound that is made in English and not in Spanish which the students heard in Jupiter. Later, we translated some of the characteristics of the planets, reviewing their size and temperature. 

Maths: The Sieve of Eratosthenes

With our first year students we did a reading and then a crossword puzzle related to the Sieve of Eratosthenes. The students first read aloud the text and reviewed the vocabulary that they were not familiar with. We then completed a few activities finding all of the prime numbers from 1 to 100. The students also used the Sieve of Eratosthenes to answer a few questions about divisibility and prime numbers. The next class we worked on a crossword puzzle that used some of the vocabulary that we had previously learned. 

lesson-3.-divisibility.-the-sieve-of-eratosthenes.-reading (1).pdf

Maths: Fractions

In 1°ESO we used a fun worksheet to learn about fractions. The students took turns reading different passages. Then the students worked on several questions about fractions. Together we learned how to properly say fractions in English. 

Chemistry: Forces and motion

We watched this video about forces and movement and Eli help us to pronounce the new words related with this lesson. He also made questions about the video in order to make the students speak using the new vocabulary. 

Maths: living in NYC

When searching for apartment rentals in big cities, key mathematical concepts are crucial. First, understanding percentages helps in evaluating rent increases and discounts. Calculating averages allows you to compare rent prices across different neighborhoods. Ratios and proportions are used to compare rent to income, ensuring affordability. Understanding square footage and price per square foot helps determine value for money. Basic arithmetic is essential for budgeting, including adding utilities and other costs. Using these mathematical tools, you can make informed decisions, finding the best options that fit your financial situation and living preferences.

Eli taught us how to search for rentals in NYC using the website Zillow. We'll have to achieve the American dream to be able to afford an apartment with views of Central Park.

Good luck!