Día de Europa

In order to celebrate Europe's Day, many activities are taking place at IES Nestor Almendros. Among them, the workshop created by the History teacher Patricia Monzo.  Through a journal diary about Roman and Greek heritage and connecting it with the Sustainable development goals. Patricia has elaborated this material which will be dealt with our language assistants in class.

Library Proyect students have also collaborated creating these flags with some of the most representative European cities as well as 1º ESO Students proyect in the English class.

The Spanish Language department has worked on the origin of some of the different European Languages with 2º ESO students.

9TH MAY 2024 europe day

Workshop 6. Patrimonio cultural.pdf

The Spanish Language department has worked on the origin of some of the different European Languages with 2º ESO students. Here you can find some samples of students' work.

1º ESO Students have looked into different European cities in order to discover some of their most interesting spots and things to do. Do not miss it!!

European city 1G.pdf