Rising 8th Grade

For students going INTO 8th grade

Click here to go to our website dedicated to RISING 8TH GRADERS!

If your last name is A-L, your counselor is Mrs. Brim!

Click the picture to the right for our virtual counselor's office! You can request to see a counselor, request a schedule change, and gather resources from the virtual counseling office.

If your last name is M-Z, your counselor is Mrs. Bridwell!

Updated SMS of Rising 8th Grade 21-22 Presentation.pptx

All About 8th Grade at SMS

Look through the slideshow on the left to learn more about the courses that are available to 8th graders on campus.  Consider what interests you have and and what courses you would like to take to prepare for high school and beyond!

Eighth Grade Course Selection

Click here to view the 8th grade Course Card to help decide what courses to take at Strickland Middle School. Class requests will be entered in HAC directly and every effort is made to honor student requests.