Welcome to the Strickland Counseling Office!

Learners of Today.  Leaders of Tomorrow.

2023-2024 CREST Award Winners!

Strickland Middle School was awarded the 2023-2024 CREST Award.  This is the first time that Strickland has won the CREST award!

Counselors Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas (CREST) is sponsored by the Texas School Counselor Association (TSCA) and awarded to school counseling programs that meet CREST requirements. CREST is a continuous improvement document that school counseling programs can use to demonstrate effective communication and a commitment to obtaining results. 

Do you need to see a counselor?  Click here!

Are you a new 6th grader?  Click here!

Are you a TEACHER or ADMINISTRATOR and want more information on Restorative Practices and Social/Emotional Learning?  Click here!

Need some extra food at home?  Maybe some shampoo or soap?  Clean clothes?  Period supplies?


Fill out the Google Form to the left to make an appointment to come get some stuff!

SMS Counselors' Virtual Office