Reading: Non-fiction. This unit, we are reading with the purpose of learning new information and learning how non-fiction texts can be beneficial.
Writing: Informational writing. This unit, students are learning to transform their knowledge of a topic of interest into a piece of informative text.
Math: Addition & Subtraction. In 3rd grade, students will learn how to add and subtract one & two step word problems within 1,000 using strategies such as strip diagrams, pictorial models, number lines, and standard algorithm.
Social Studies: Government, Good Citizens, & Communities. This unit, we will expand our knowledge of communities and focus on the various reasons that communities are established. We will be able to identify the different qualities of communities depending on their proximity to natural resources and population change.
October 2024
This year has been so much fun! We are learning ways that we can incorporate excitement and play into our learning while still knowing when it's time for serious learning. Ask your students what their favorite game is that we play or their favorite fun memory so far!
Red Ribbon week will be this month and we are so excited for the themed days.
Monday - Proud to be Drug Free. Wear red and your favorite shoes!
Tuesday - Twinning Tuesday. Stick together against drugs! Match with a friend or multiple friends.
Wednesday - Jersey Day. Team up against drugs! Wear team or sports apparel.
Thursday - Book Character Day. Dress up as your favorite book character (please have the book or a picture of the cover with your outfit).
Friday - Pajama Day. Follow your dreams and wear your PJs.
Important Dates!
October 4 - All Pro Dads @ 6:55AM
October 11 - Early Release @ 12:00
October 14 - No School
October 15 - PTA Meeting @ 6:00 PM
October 16 - Big Kahuna Ends
October 25 - Fall Festival @ 6:00-8:00 p.m.
October 28 - Hey Dude Nice Shoes Assembly
October 28-1 - Red Ribbon Week