8th Grade
Viper Core Values
Collaboration Innovation Integrity Leadership Responsibility
8th Grade Course Selection at RMS
The 8th grade Course Selection PowerPoint will guide students in learning about course options and how to select classes at RMS for the 2025-2026 school year.
3 Year Middle School Academic Plans
MAPs can be changed every year during course selection.
For the 2025-2026 school year, students will be selecting courses through Home Access Center (HAC).
Use the course card and your MAPS as planning guides when entering course requests in HAC.
Please know that courses you select and enter into HAC are requests.
RMS counselors will attempt to honor all requests; however, enrollment numbers and scheduling conflicts can result in enrollment in alternate courses rather than requested choices.

January 16 HAC OPENS for course selection during ELA
March 17-28 HAC opens for course verification
March 28 Last day for course selection changes
Detailed Information will be emailed closer to the scheduled dates
8th Grade Course Selection Tips
Students will be selecting courses electronically using HAC.
Students will use the course card and MAPs as a guide.
8th Grade students will have 3 electives in total.
PE, Athletics, and/or Tennis are considered an elective.
Any student who selects Athletics must complete all RANK ONE SPORT paperwork including a physical evaluation. If there is a medical physical on file with 7th grade Athletics, an 8th grade physical is not required- although the RANK ONE SPORT paperwork still is.
Students interesting taking Partner PE must complete the Partner PE Application. If selected, Partner PE will take place of one of the requested electives.
English Language Arts/Reading is double blocked. Students in Expo ELA 7 will be placed in Expo ELA 8.
Students who successfully completed Honors Math 7 will be placed in Algebra 1 Honors. Algebra 1 Honors is a local high school credit. Students who successfully completed Algebra 1 Honors, will be placed in Geometry. Geometry is taught at Braswell High School. Parents are responsible for the transportation to BHS and a bus will be provided for the student to return to the RMS campus after Geometry. Students who are not currently in Math 7 Honors or Algebra 1 Honors but are interested in Algebra and/or Geometry must meet specific criteria. Middle School Math Acceleration Website.
Students can select Honors courses for the following classes: ELA, US History, and Science. Honors Program Information
Placement in Dyslexia, Reading Intervention, or Math Intervention will take place of one of the requested electives.
Spanish 1 is a local high school credit. 2 years of a World Language are still required at the high school level.
Students interested in taking Partner Art/Choir must complete a Partner Art/Choir Application. Partner Art/Choir will take place of one of the requested electives.
1 Career Technology Education credit is required in middle school. Students who successfully complete a CTE course earn a high school credit. The following courses are offered at RMS:
Principles of Applied Engineering
Principles of Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communication
Principles of Business, Finance ,and Marketing
Principles of Human Services
Principles of Information Technology
Students cannot retake high school credit courses.
Students interesting taking Yearbook must complete the Yearbook Application. If selected, Yearbook will take place of one of the requested electives.
Students interested in the AVID program, must complete an AVID Application. If selected, AVID will take place of one of the requested electives.