
Target 1:

The kids will be able to greet each other in spanish as well as tell and ask each other their name.

Vocabulary- amigo, amiga, use of "te" and "se".

Greetings- Hola, Buenos dias, buenas tardes, buenas noches

Taking leave- adios, hasta luego

Asking names- Yo me llamo ___, ?Como te llamas?

Target 2:

The kids will be able to name and introduce family members.

Vocabulary- mama, papa, hermano, hijo, hermana, hija, abuelo, abuela, tio, tia, el, ella.

Phrases- "?Quien is el/ella? El/Ella es mi Family member. "?Como se llama tu family member? "Mi family memeber se llama ___.

Extensions- Hola, mama. Buenos dias papa. etc.

Target 3:

The kids will be able to name where they live as well as the rooms of a home.

Vocabulary- casa, apartamento, sala, cocina, dormitorio, baño, comedor. Correct use of acticles el/la.

Phrases- "?Donde vives tu? "?Yo vivo en un/una casa/apartamento." "?Donde esta family memeber? "Family member esta en room "

Extension- ask and name where a family member is in the home. Ex-"?Donde esta papa?" "Papa esta en la sala"

Target 4:

The kids will be able to name things they like and dislike from the market.

Vocabulary- mercaco, frutas, verduras, platano, naranja, uvas, manzana, brocoli, lechuga, tomates, papas.

Phrases- "¿Que te gusta del mercado?" "Me gusta" or Me gustan" el/la/los/las the item from el mercado. Also "No me gusta or gustan item from el mercado. "¿Te gusta ____? Si or No me gusta."

Target 5: (current)

The kids will be able to name clothing items in Spanish. They will also be able to describe clothing items using color.

Vocabulary- ropa, tienda, sombrero, camisa, pantalon, calcetines, zapatos, blusa, vestido, falda, rojo, verde, negro, azul, amarillo, anaranjado, cafe/marron, gris, blanco, de colores.

Phrases- "¿Que compras tú?" "Yo compro el/la/los/las clothing item" Ex. Yo compro la camisa roja.

Extension- "¿Que ropa te gusta?" "Me gusta/gustan clothing item"Ex. Me gustan los calcetines verdes.