World Language

World Language Mission Statement;

"To explore Spanish and make connections across cultures"

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year. We will continue to teach and learn Spanish as well as compare and contrast various cultures with our own.

We will be using the Spanish curriculum to enhance our learning by breaking the subject down into manageable chunks. As new learning is introduced, I model the vocabulary and it's use and then we practice these things in class. Errors are expected when learning anything new. I hope to provide a safe place for children to be risk takers and learn from their errors. I love talking to my kids parents and discussing what we are learning. I hope to have this opportunity with all. Again, our goal is to teach the kids as much Spanish as we can in the time allotted.

My goals for the kids this year are:

*Continue to teach form and function (days of the week, months of the year, colors, numbers, objects, places and things and phrases in Spanish.)

*Extend learning to application.

*Collaborate with the classroom teachers to support and enhance the grade level planners by making connections in World Language.

If you have any questions about what we will be doing this year, I look forward to speaking with any and all parents and family members about our school, world language or IB in general.

- Mr. Bates