
1st Nine weeks

Unit 1 Analyzing Themes: At the beginning of the unit we will help students understand that just as they have physical growth spurts, they will work towards reading growth spurts this year. In this unit students will be encouraged to thoughtfully read novels for deeper meaning and students will focus on writing about reading from the start.

2nd nine weeks

Unit 2 Tackling Complexity: Moving Up Levels of Nonfiction Text: This unit focuses on the increasing complexity of nonfiction text and teaches students strategies to tackle this new text complexity. Students will engage in independent inquiry projects studying topics they most what to learn about all while using strategies to read and understand complex nonfiction text.

3rd nine weeks

Unit 3: Argument and Advocacy: In this unit students will use all they know about reading complex nonfiction in order to research and make arguments about debatable issues. They will read arguments and informational texts in a critical and analytical ways.

4th nine weeks

Unit 4: Fantasy Book Clubs: In this unit students will start in fantasy book clubs focusing on the getting into the world of fantasy and tracking their characters. Students will move to deeper comprehension by thinking metaphorically and analytically. This unit will end with thinking about themes and comparing and contrasting texts.