Wish List and Favorites

Mr. M's Favorites:

#1) Falcon Victories (I know, hard to come by)

#2) Diet Pepsi

#3) Chipotle

#4) Cinemark (love going to the movies)

#5) Red Vines

#6) Pretzels

I've been at this teaching thing for 29 years. I still haven't gotten used to the generosity of the families we work with. In recent years, the teachers of EP have been asked to create an Amazon Wish List so families know how they can support us. The best gift you can give my students is the gift of drinks and snacks, which if you've ever had a son or daughter in my class.......we enjoy together as often as we can. My list is simple..... and if you are in a giving mood....these things would go straight back to the students:

1) Soda 12 packs (7-up, Sprite, Root Beer, Pepsi, Coke, Crush, Dr. Pepper.....it doesn't really matter)

2) Bottled water

3) Microwave Popcorn

4) Cinemark Gift Cards (I use these to buy a large bag of popcorn to bring to class on Monday's to celebrate a little thing we call "Group of the Week")