
Course Title: Photojournalism

Grade Placement: 9-12

Credit: 1/2 Unit

Photojournalism introduces students to story-telling photos. The history, law and ethics of photography will complement these major units of study: history, ethics and law; operations and care of camera; composition skills and photo management.


  • Something to write with (pencil or pen with blue/black black ink)
  • Something to write on (composition, Spiral or three-ring binder with paper)
  • ONE of the following: Kleenex, Clorox Wipes, Hand Sanitizer, Band-aids, Expo Dry Erase Markers, Paper Towels, Lysol Spray, or an 8 GB SD Card
  • Photojournalism: Student are welcome to use their own camera. A simple “point-and-shoot” will work as long as it is at least 5 MP. Students using a camera phone to take photos MUST bring the correct cord to connect their device to a computer for transfer. Do to the variety of devices; the journalism department will not supply cords. When department cameras are used, the needed equipment to transfer photos will be provided.


§110.65. Photojournalism