TRIO Talent Search


Jacqueline Thomas


Jacqueline (Miss Jackie) is a former Talent Search student excited to give back to the program! She graduated summa cum laude and debt-free from UNT in 2021 with a BA in English. She is originally from Toronto, Canada but has lived in North Texas since 2007. She is proud to be a first generation student representing underserved minorities!



Do YOU want to go to college?

Talent Search is a FREE college prep program assisting qualifying 9th-12th graders with test prep, college/career readiness, academic advising and more! Watch the video for more details on how we work!


or visit our DHS office for a paper application.

Mae Vo

Student Assistant

Mae is our TRIO student assistant! She is currently enrolled in UNT's BS/MS Accounting program. Mae is originally from Vietnam but has roots in west Texas as well. She is a former Talent Search student as well as a first-gen student!

Congratulations Class of 2024!

What you can expect: