Saturday, December 6, 2025

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Denton High School

The Denton High School Choir Craft Show is an annual event, held each year on the first Saturday of December, from 9am-3pm at Denton High School. We have the capacity to fill 4 hallways and cafeteria - 168 (10x10 & 8x12 ) booths. All vendors are welcome - crafters, area businesses, homeparty consultants, and more. We have local choirs performing throughout the day, caroling from the DHS Encore students, food trucks and silent auction. It is a fun day for the family - put it on your calendar and plan to join us every year! For vendor information, contact Kaitlyn Candler at


Show Date: Saturday, December 6, 2025, from 9am-3pm. Vendors are required to stay for the entirety of the show (please do not pack up early).

Location: The new Denton High School is located at 3001 Bronco Way, Denton, TX 76207. The show entrance will be the main entrance to the school (look for the flag poles). Parking is available in front of the school during set up and tear down only. We ask that you move your car to the Student Parking Lot after you load in/during the craft show to encourage more shoppers. 


Set Up: We are offering Friday and Saturday set up days this year! Friday, December 5, 2025 6:00-8:00 pm Load | Saturday, December 6, 2025 7:00-9:00 am Load. Please note that we will be marking off booths Friday afternoon so please be patient if your booth isn’t 100% ready at time of set up. Also note that Denton ISD/DHS Choir is not responsible for any lost, stolen, damaged items left in the school Friday evening. Although our space is well monitored and secure, many people do have 24 hour access.


Registration: We are asking all vendors to report straight to their booth. We will come by to welcome you after you are settled!


Booth Assignments/2025 Registration: Select the following link for confirmation of booth placement, booth quantity, table quantity, and electricity request:


Booth Add Ons: Each booth will be supplied one chair. 6 foot tables can be rented for $10 each and electricity can be provided for hallway booths for an additional $10. Add on are located on our Eventbrite registration page, but can also be purchased via an email to Kaitlyn Candler with payment received via our Booster Club PayPal account: Denton High Choral Booster Club: @broncossing.

Silent Auction: If you would be interested in donating an item for our silent auction, we would proudly display not only your item, but your business name, booth location, and contact information (social media, website, email – your choice) at our silent auction table as well as on our social media platforms the day of the craft show. If you chose to participate in our silent auction, please have your item and business card ready for pick up – Your hallway helpers will collect items from your booth starting at 8:30 am. Suggested retail price of donated item: $10-$30


Student Volunteers: You have a Choir student assigned to your hallway for the day. They will check in periodically to see if you need anything from concessions or sit in your booth while you take a restroom break. They are not to sell anything for you or take any money/orders, or to sit for extended periods. These volunteers are also here to help you load/unload your booth. Free coffee will be available to all vendors throughout the day.


Lunch/Concessions: We are pairing down our concessions to drinks and snacks but encourage you to purchase from our food vendors/food trucks/snack carts. Your student volunteers can watch your booth while you pick up your lunch or order and deliver lunch for you.


WIFI: ‘DISD - PUB’ (no password needed)


Pre-Registration: Registration is completely online! A 2026 registration link will be sent to you the day after the craft show – with a discount code: SingingBroncos2026! (Early Bird vendors will get to select their spots first.) We hope you’ll join us again at next year’s event!