AP German 4 - Syllabus

AP German IV

Ray Braswell High School

Instructor: Jan Daniel Bouhs

E-Mail Address: jbouhs@dentonisd.org

Phone: 972-347-7798

Room: B211

Conference: On A-days periods 1 and 5

Tutorial & Reassessment: On A-days 8:15 am – 8:45 am and 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm as well as by appointment

„Der Geist einer Sprache offenbart sich am deutlichsten in ihren unübersetzbaren Worten.“ – Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

(The soul of a language reveals itself most clearly in its untranslatable words.)


AP German IV is an advanced study of language and culture. The primary objective of the course is to prepare the students for the AP German Language and Culture exam, which is taken in May. Instructional materials, activities, assignments, and assessments are comparable to what one would experience in a third-year college course. The materials include a variety of authentic literary and listening texts as well as visual materials, which support the various topics taught throughout the year. The course is taught exclusively in German and students likewise are expected to communicate in German. Thematic activities for each day come from the textbook, instructional ideas and reviews published on AP Central, podcasts, music, videos, newspapers and authentic resources from the Internet. The course incorporates interdisciplinary topics across all six thematic units: Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics. In all thematic units, students engage in activities and assignments focused on Interpersonal, Interpretive and Presentational modes of communication.


Texts: Aspekte Neu, Wechselspiel: Neu/Jr, Die Deutschen, Readers, Films, and Music, Websites (YouTube, Goethe Institute, AP Central, etc.)


Blink Learning:

Blink Learning is the interactive learning portal that corresponds to our textbook and workbook to be used for practice and home access. Students will be given access codes at the beginning of the year. www.blinklearning.com.


Canvas is a learning management system available through the district. The class sites will have notes, practice activities, homework and quizzes and can be accessed through your Denton ISD single sign on portal. https://sso.dentonisd.org/_auth/Logon.aspx?ru=====.

It can also be accessed at https://dentonisd.instructure.com.

Google apps:

We will also be making use of various google apps throughout the year. Your user id is schoolid#@g.dentonisd.org and your password will be your same password for email and HAC.


Duolingo is a language learning app that works on computers and other devices. It approaches language learning as a game and can be useful for vocabulary and grammar practice. We have access to Duolingo through our school google accounts.


Kahoot is an online resource that allows the creation of quizzes and other learning opportunities. It can be accessed via personal computers, laptops, smart phones, and other devices.


· Subject spiral/composition notebook or a binder with college ruled paper

· Pencils/pens

· Colored pencils/crayons

· Markers

· Highlighters

· Notecards

· Scissors

· Glue stick

World Languages Department Grading Policy

  • Minor Summative Assessments 30%
  • Major Summative Assessments 70%

Formative Assessments will be given continually. They are for practice so that the student and teacher can gage the success of the learning. This practice is designed to provide direction for improvement and/or adjustment of teaching and learning activities for individual students or for a whole class. Formative assessments are not reflected in the final grade. Some formative assessments will be tracked in the gradebook and will have a 0-weight. They will not affect the grade. These include in-class practice, out-of-class practice, comprehension checks, self-evaluations, exit tickets, and practice quizzes on Canvas. In order to take a summative assessment, all related formative assessment must be completed. Formative assessments will be graded on a scale from 0-4.

Minor Summative Assessments are designed to check for language comprehension and production, addressing a smaller set of learning objectives as compared to major summative assessments. Minor summative assessments include quizzes, brief written assignments, guided conversations, and comprehension or interpretation of texts or images. In order to take a major summative assessment, all related minor summative assessments must be completed.

Major Summative Assessments are designed to evaluate language comprehension and production. They take place at the end of a learning unit, incorporating what has previously been checked in the unit's minor assessments. Major summative assessments include unit tests, essays, projects, portfolios, presentations, research papers, guided conversations, and comprehension or interpretation of texts or images.


The teacher will be available for tutorial on A-days from 8:15 am – 8:45 am, from 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm, and by appointment. The student needs to sign up for tutorial no later than the A-day before the desired tutorial day. Students will need a pass to enter the building for a morning tutorial.


A student may reassess a Major Summative Assessment only after the student has demonstrated new learning to justify a reassessment. Additional learning can be shown through tutoring, additional attempts and significantly improved scored on formative assessments on Canvas, or other means determined by the teacher.

1. Semester Exams do not qualify for reassessment.

2. Extended assessments such as essays, portfolios, or long-term projects, where students receive feedback and the opportunity to show new learning during the process, do not qualify for reassessment.

3. Reassessment provides students the opportunity to demonstrate they have increased their knowledge, skills and/or concepts from the first assessment. Therefore, students who have already demonstrated mastery will not be reassessed. Mastery is defined as a student receiving a 90 or higher on an assessment.

4. Reassessment occurs under the following conditions:

a. The student has scored less than 90% on the assessment.

b. The student has completed all formative assessments related to the summative assessment prior to the first assessment opportunity.

c. The student engages in additional learning opportunities as determined by the teacher. This generally includes coming to tutorial.

d. The student may reassess within four consecutive class meetings of the student receiving feedback on the original assessment.

e. The student may reassess no later than four consecutive class meetings into the next grading period if the summative assessment was given on the last week of the grading period.

5. Students who qualify by meeting the aforementioned criteria may reassess one time per assessment.

6. On a summative reassessment, the teacher records the higher of the two grades up to a 90.

7. Reassessments are to be taken during the times listed for tutorial on A-days from 8:15 am – 8:45 am, 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm, and by appointment. The student needs to sign up for reassessment no later than the A-day before taking the reassessment. Students will need a pass to enter the building for a morning reassessment.

Minor Summative Assessments are reassessed through the corresponding parts of the subsequent major summative assessment. If the student scored lower than a 90 on a minor summative assessments but higher in the corresponding part of the subsequent major summative assessment, the teacher records the higher of the grades up to a 90.


It boils down to respect. Respect yourself and your potential by preparing for and participating in class. Respect your instructor and the other students by helping to create an environment that allows everyone to reach their potential.

Be Respectful: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Be Prepared: Bring materials and completed assignments to class.

Be Productive: Participate, pay attention, work on German.

Be Polite: Raise your hand, do not interrupt

Be Positive: A positive attitude changes everything

Non-Academic Work/Behaviors:

Work or behaviors that are not supported by the standards are considered non-academic. There have been many misunderstandings regarding what this means for students at Ray Braswell High School. Students will still have homework. Students will still have due dates and deadlines.

Students’ actions that impede the learning process such as: not completing assignments/not participating in class, turning in late work, etc. may be met with disciplinary measures that include, but are not limited to:

Parent Contact, Teacher Detention, Mandatory Tutorial, Saturday School, ISSC, Loss of Parking Permit, Loss of Dismissal Period

As a general rule, the student will receive a warning upon the first violation. Upon the second violation, the teacher will contact the parents. Upon the third violation, the student will be referred to the assistant principal’s office. Depending on the severity of the violation, for example if the violation occurs during a fire drill, parental contact and/or referral to the assistant principal’s office may occur upon the very first violation.

The students are expected to turn in work in a designated inbox in the classroom at the beginning of class. Work to be turned in online has to be submitted before the beginning of class. Late work is unacceptable.

Electronic Devices:

There will be opportunities in which we may use devices in class for instructional purposes. Unless otherwise instructed, cell phones and other devices must be placed in the student’s bag under the desks. Cell phones may be taken up due to misuse. Headphones are not allowed to be used in the classroom unless explicitly instructed.

Evacuation Procedures:

During drills, the students are expected to follow the teacher’s directions. The students will form a line and remain quiet, allowing the teacher to ensure that all students are present. Upon verification, the students will move out of the classroom in a line and remain quiet, listening and following the teacher’s directions. Misconduct during emergency procedures or drills may result in immediate parental contact and/or referral to the assistant principal’s office. Our first and foremost concern is student safety and absolute compliance during an emergency situation is paramount to ensure that no student is harmed.

Tardy Rules:

In order to provide a productive learning environment and to limit distractions, the door closes with the bell and all lessons go from bell to bell. All students are expected to be in their seats at that time. If a student is late, he or she will need a pass from the assistant principal’s office to enter the room.

Rest Room Rules:

In order to go to the rest room, the student needs to receive a pass from the teacher. Under no circumstances may the student leave the room without explicit permission by the teacher. The teacher may Backpacks are to remain in the classroom and the student has to turn in his electronic devices to obtain a pass. Students are not allowed to go to the rest room in the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of class as well as during instructional time.


Drinks must be carried in a container with a closed lid.