January 13th - January 17th
Please read through for important upcoming events, curriculum and 5th grade news! Please let your homeroom teacher know if you have any questions!
-Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Jarosz, Mrs. Nagy, Ms. Rutledge and Ms. Tesar
Monthly Overview and Reminders
Skyranch final payment
All of our fundraisers have ended and we have secured our invoices for camp, shirts and transportation, so we have calculated the final camp cost!
The final camp payment for both chaperones and students will be $235 (if deposit has been made). Total cost: $310 per child - $75 deposit = $235
If you have not yet paid your chaperone or your student's deposit, please send a payment for the full $310.
If you paid more money through the payment plan subtract that from $310 and that will be your final payment. You can send cash or check made payable to Savannah Elementary by Thursday, February 20th. Unfortunately this is a hard deadline as we must pay for camp, buses and shirts.
Thank you for your patience while we finished calculating the costs and booking our charter buses. Please direct any questions about this payment to your homeroom teacher. We are so excited!
Sincere thanks,
The Fifth Grade Team 😊
Cheek Fine Arts Field Trip
All 5th grade students will ride buses to Cheek Middle School on Wednesday, January 29th. The purpose of this trip is to introduce students to fine arts class options that are available for them to choose for 6th grade course selection. Buses will depart Savannah Elementary at about 9:00 am and will return at about 11am. No sack lunches or parent chaperones are needed for this trip.
9:00 AM: Bus arrives at Elementary Campus
9:15 AM: Depart ES Campus for Middle School
9:30-10:30 AM: 5th Grade Fine Arts Showcase
10:30 AM: Load Buses
10:45 AM: Depart MS for ES Campus
11:00 AM: Arrival back at Elementary Campus
Please complete the following permission form by no later than Friday, January 24th!
If your student would like to send a chocolate bar, or many, to a friend or staff member at Savannah Elementary, they can bring in $2.00 to purchase a Chocolate Gram that will be delivered to their recipient on February 14th!
Snack & Water
Please remember to send your student with a snack every day along with a spill proof water bottle.
Water bottles will be sent home every Friday for cleaning.
If you would like to donate class snacks, we are always in need and so appreciative!
Reading, Writing, Grammar
Reading: This week we will begin our Argument and Advocacy: Researching Debatable Issues Unit. In this unit, we will be learning about claim, reasons and evidence as we read both sides of an issue.
Writing: We are beginning our Research Based Argument Essays. This week we will learn how to investigate an argument and flash draft an argument over chocolate milk being served in schools.
Grammar: This week students will use our focus phrase- Indefinite pronouns are indefinite and don't need antecedents. We will learn that indefinite pronouns like nothing, all, everybody, nobody and anything don't need an antecedent.
Math, Science, Social Studies
Math: This week, we will continue our Area, Preimeter and Volume unit.
5.4(G) - use concrete objects and pictorial models to develop the formulas for the volume of a rectangular prism, including the special form for a cube (V = l x w x h, V = s x s x s, and V = Bh)
5.4(H) - represent and solve problems related to perimeter and/or area and related to volume
5.6(A) - recognize a cube with side length of one unit as a unit cube having one cubic unit of volume and the volume of a three-dimensional figure as the number of unit cubes (n cubic units) needed to fill it with no gaps or overlaps if possible
5.6(B) - determine the volume of a rectangular prism with whole number side lengths in problems related to the number of layers times the number of unit cubes in the area of the base.
Science: This week we continue with Force and Motion; students will be completing hands on activities to observe how force creates motion. (5.7A)
Social Studies: This week we will continue our discussion of The Constitution, it's writer, why it was necessary and how it works.
Library Days
Mrs. Tesar & Ms. Jarosz
January 13th & January 27th
Ms. Rutledge
January 14th & January 28th
Mrs. Nagy & Mrs. Cruz
January 15th & January 29th
Wondering how to support your student in reading and math?
Have you explored iReady yet with your child? This is a FANTASTIC resource that your student can access at home via the Denton ISD Single Sign On Portal (SSO). Your child has customized pathways designed to help them grow on their just right next step. Click the iReady logo to the left for a quick video explaining the benefits of iReady for your child.
Background Check
Please fill out a background check. You must fill it out every year. This will allow you to enter campus for school events and lunch.
It can take up to 2 weeks to process, so don't wait!
January Breakfast & Lunch