Let's talk about reading

The SBMS library and the ELA department are committed to helping you become a lifelong reader. Each ELA teacher has specific self-selected reading requirements. This subject guide is designed to help you on your reading journey. You'll find information about types of books, why reading is important, how to find new books and more! Check out these common student questions and complaints about reading and the resources designed to help!

"Why do we bother to read?"

It's one thing to read because your teacher tells you to, but reading for yourself is where things really get good! Reading each and every day has a HUGE impact. Check it out:

1- Check out this amazing infographic that shows just exactly how those few minutes you take to read at home, or waiting for the bus, or after you finish your classwork can really pack a punch!

2- This AMAZING article explains just exactly how important it is to read for just a few minutes each and every day. Those 10 minutes your ELA teacher requires you to read really is a big deal.

3- This is one for you and your parents. Check out the current statistics about how much or how little students are reading and the effects.

"I just don't like to read"

That's kind of like saying you don't like food. Sure you might not like certain types of food, but theres so many kinds of books out there, you just need to find one that tastes good to you! This is where knowing your genres is a huge help. Check out these great genre related resources to help you find that just-right book:

4- This handy printout gives the basic genre characteristics. This will help you figure out which genre you are reading as you fulfill your genre requirements for your ELA class.

5- This fun quiz takes your interests in magazines, TV shows, travel and other personality traits to suggest genres you might like and even gives some specific book recommendations.

6- Another one for you and your parents. Sometimes your parents can be a big help in figuring out which books you might like! This website is a great resource for figuring out what to read as a family.

"I already love to read! I need MORE good books!!"

This is a great problem to have! If you already feel like a reader, it can be tough to find new and different books to read. Check out these cool resources for finding new books and building a community with other bookworms:

7- This seems basic, but knowing how to search and browse your library catalog can be a great way to discover new and exciting books. This video gives an easy demo to how Destiny, our school library system, works.

8- This is a great blog post about some new YA authors this year. Debut means this is the author's first novel, so there are bound to be lots of surprises and the first of some new and exciting series.


9- The ultimate reader's social network. The Goodreads website is full of user reviews, lists over every possible interest point, author links, and even a Pandora-esque system of suggesting similar books. A user account isn't required to browse, but you'll need one if you want to contribute or create lists.