School of Computing

My Other Activities

In addition to being a Professor of Practice in the School of Computing, I am the Executive Director of Clemson's AI Research Institute for Science and Engineering (AIRISE)

I also serve as the Industry Liaison in the School of Computing and work with companies in a variety of ways to bring the classroom and industry closer together. If you represent a company who would like to work with the School of Computing on a specific project, research partnership, or in some other way, please don't hesitate to contact me.

If you are interested in recruiting our students, I'd also encourage you to contact the Clemson University Michelin Career Center (MCC). The School of Computing works very closely with the MCC.


Since I am part of the faculty of instruction (aka teaching faculty), my priority is teaching instead of research. Occasionally, I will collaborate with others on their research.

Leveraging Public Cloud Infrastructure for Real-time Connected Vehicle Speed Advisory at a Signalized Corridor

A Review on Cybersecurity of Cloud Computing for Supporting Connected Vehicle Applications

Commercial Cloud Computing for Connected Vehicle Applications in Transportation Cyberphysical Systems: A Case Study