What I'M UP to

Picture of Mitch Shue

What do you teach, Professor Shue?

Picture of McAdams Hall at Clemson

My Other SoC Activities

Archie the Wheaten

Too much information

In the summer of 2019, I left a long professional career as a technology leader in industry to join the teaching faculty in the School of Computing at Clemson University. Since several people have asked me about my career decision, I thought it might be valuable to others if I explained it. I’m sure some of you have wondered about such a career move for yourself!

My Journey from Industry CTO to Professor of Practice: Why, How, and What

Clemson WSBF-FM 88.1

On air at https://wsbf.net Clemson WSBF-FM 88.1 with Professor Taylor (left) playing some alt-pop/rock songs from the 1980s on the program "Alt-Shift with Professor Taylor"
