For Students

PAL Program Goals:

    • To support students developing strong and successful study habits

    • To build a welcoming and supportive community of peers to connect with and learn from

    • To deepen student understanding by engaging in course content through proven techniques

Three Tips for Making the Most of Your PAL Experience

    1. Try out sessions offered by different PAL leaders to find the one you prefer. Each leader has a different approach to their sessions and different tips to share. Finding the sessions that best work for you is the first step.

    2. Come early, come often. Make PAL sessions part of your regular study routine and spend less time cramming right before the test.

    3. Continue to attend class and bring your notes and questions to the PAL session.

Understanding the PAL Model.pdf

Research Behind the PAL Model

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) is a program in place at many universities across the country. It was designed around learning research and key principles for student development and success. This article by David Arendale shares the background of the PAL model and its goals for supporting all students.

Frequently Ask Questions and Common Misconceptions:

How do I know if my course/section is supported by PAL?

A list of PAL supported courses can be found on the homepage of this website. All students enrolled in a supported course have PAL sessions available to them. Even if you do not regularly see a PAL leader in your section, you still have PAL available and can attend any leader's sessions.

Students enrolled in PAL supported courses should also receive regular communication from a PAL leader through class announcements or emails.

Also keep in mind that ASC Tutoring may be available for your course even if PAL is not. Check the ASC Tutoring Website for more information about this free resource.

Isn't PAL for students who are "struggling" in the course?

Actually, no! Research shows all people learn and retain information better when they continuously review concepts and collaborate with others. This is what PAL is all about.

PAL sessions are for anyone enrolled in the class. They are a great addition to your study routine and are a way to ensure you are regularly thinking about and reviewing concepts.

What happens during a PAL session?

PAL sessions are designed to be active experiences that put you in control of your learning. Leaders attempt to tailor sessions to what you want to discuss and use activities to give you an opportunity to work through material first-hand.

Bring your questions and any topics of interest to the session or email the PAL leader ahead of time and ask if those items can be discussed during the next session.

What should I bring to a PAL session?

Bring your class notes and textbook. Your PAL leader may ask you to refer to these resources during a session.

PAL leaders can not assist you with homework or any graded assignments, so there is no need to bring your homework. However, the work done during a session will help you complete your homework later.

What if my schedule interferes with a leader's sessions?

All PAL leaders for a given class are available as a resource to students. Consult the PAL Session Schedule and join any session that works best for you.

Because each leader attends a different section of the course, it is possible sessions may be a little bit ahead or behind on material compared to your section. But reviewing or previewing material is still very beneficial for your mastery of the subject.

Can I work on my homework during a PAL session?

PAL leaders and ASC Tutors can not directly address any homework or graded work in their sessions. This poses a potential academic integrity issue for leaders and is unfair for students who have a job, family, or other obligations that prevent them from attending sessions . However, leaders may select problems similar to the homework to review during the session which will help you complete your work after the session.