Classroom Activities

Unit 6

Multiplying and Dividing Fractions is what we're honing in on during this first two weeks of the Spring semester. Our focus is on representing those operations with pictures and number lines (the dreaded "new math"). When students understand why they do the operations they do with the numbers, and when they can draw life-applicable pictures to prove why the numbers work, the math is more memorable and practical. For additional practice, please have your student login to the Math Google Classroom.

Grades are being tentatively taken on the following dates:

  • Monday, January 14- Daily grade on representing division and multiplication of fractions with models
  • Wednesday, January 16- Unit 7 Test

We'll resume grading homework on Thursday, and Imagine Math/TTM and Reflex are ongoing. If your kiddo spends the time now working on these things, they'll have a far better chance of passing the STAAR. Please help us encourage them to be proactive and work a little on math each day. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email Mrs. Sanders or Ms. Cravens. We're here to help!

Unit 4

Division! Division! And more division! In fifth grade we add a decimal to the dividend and another digit to the divisor. We'll practice for two weeks on these minor changes, so we're confident that with your support at home (practice math facts!) we'll have division down well by the Unit 4 test.

Our first grades will be taken on Tuesday, 10/30. Students will estimate to find quotients, and we'll check their answers and let them make corrections. From there, students will work the same problems, but without estimating. Their first, estimated answers will help them confirm whether or not their answers are reasonable.

Unit 3

This unit we're honing our multiplication skills. Students will be multiplying three digit by two digit numbers, and we'll add decimals into the mix as well. Please have your student log into the math Google Classroom for invalue study resources. And as always, please practice multiplication and division fast facts and estimation with your kiddo as much as possible! Thanks!

Grades are tentatively being taken on the following dates:

  • October 3- Journal Check
  • October 4 (Cravens) or 5 (Sanders)- Multiplication Activity
  • October 10- Decimal Multiplication Activity
  • October 17- Decimal Multiplication Activity
  • October 19- Unit 3 Test

Unit 2

Adding and subtracting decimals, as well as using compatible numbers to estimate accurately is what we're working on with Unit 2. Again, please have your student log-in to our math Google Classroom for study guides, videos, and links to games.

Grades are being taken on the following dates:

  • Friday, 9/21: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
  • Wednesday, 9/26: Estimating Sums and Differences
  • Friday, 9/28: Unit 2 Test

Unit 1

This unit is all about place value, rounding, and comparing and ordering decimals (think greatest to least, or which one is greater than or lesser than). Please have your student log-in to our 5th Grade Math Google Classroom for study guides and practice work with answer keys on all of the topics above.

Grades are being taken on the following activities:

  • September 6- Place Value Activity
  • September 11- Comparing and Ordering Decimals
  • September 14- Unit 1 Test