“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” - Dr. Seuss

Don't Forget to Use Your Math Brain!

Your teachers will be giving you lots of materials and things to work on, but here are even more resources to check out!


Activities You Can Do At-Home:

  • Card games

  • Collect objects in nature— leaves, rocks, shells and the like. When you get home, sort them by color, size, or type. How many different categories can you find? How many objects are in more than 1 category?

  • Cooking with kids

  • Create a bingo game for doing something each day

  • Dominoes

  • Explore different measuring tools (cooking, tape measurer, comparing, scales etc)

  • Have your child help sort the laundry by various categories — by color, or by whom an item belongs to.

  • Play number games during everyday activities, such as counting the number of steps, the number of trucks you see while driving, or counting the number of items going in the laundry.

  • Puzzles and board games

  • Organize a scavenger hunt where your child has to find objects of different shapes

  • Number Writing

  • Read the calendar, count how many days until an upcoming event