
"The most important role that parents and caregivers can provide for children and young people is to reassure them that the adults are taking the lead to establish and maintain their overall safety. We may not have all the answers immediately, but we are sorting out options and taking care of their needs. Similarly, we may all have questions and fears, but we can support one another to get answers and cope with our different feelings."

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a virus spread by contact or through the air. It can cause anything from no symptoms to life threatening symptoms. These include: shortness or breath, fever or loss of taste and smell. We can help prevent the spread of this virus by washing our hands, wearing a mask and staying home when sick.

When does my child need to mask?

How do I know what diagnostic test to use?

There are a growing number of diagnostic laboratory and at home tests available for COVID. A molecular COVID test, such as a PCR, is the most reliable option. 

Our goal is to keep the community safe and our students in school as much as possible. 

A rapid antigen (home test) will be accepted unless specifically instructed otherwise by the Nurses' Office. 

For more information on the different types of testing available: click here 

When should I keep my child home?

Please keep your child home if they have any of the below symptoms regardless of vaccination status. They may return to school with a negative test when fever/vomiting/diarrhea free for 24 hours.

My child has tested positive for COVID-19. What do I do?

Your child must stay home until fever-free AND symptoms are improving for 24 hours. 

Please call or email the Nurses’ Office to notify them of your child's absence.  

My child has been exposed to someone with COVID-19. What do I do?

If exposed to COVID-19, individuals are encouraged to mask for 10 days following exposure.

Exposed individuals should consider testing at least 5 full days after last exposure.

If test is positive, see above.

Helpful Documents


City of Chicago:

Center for Childhood Resilience:,taking%20care%20of%20their%20needs.