Unit 1: Elements of Art

Elements Poster Project

elements poster.pdf

Watch Videos on the Elements of Art created by KQED


Watch Videos on the Principles of Design created by Art Soup


1st Poster: All Elements

Title: Elements of Art

Line, Shape, Form, Color, Value, Texture, Space

No definitions. Just a visual to represent each element

2nd Poster: Detailed of one element assigned to you

Line Poster Requirements

Title: Line

Definition: From notes or online

Draw and label different types of line

Shape Poster Requirements

Title: Shape

Definition: From notes or online

Geometric and Organic : Write words and have examples for each

Form Poster Requirements

Title: Form

Definition: From notes or online

Geometric and Organic : Write words and have examples for each

Color Poster Requirements

Title: Color

Definition: From notes or online

Create color wheel

Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary colors shown in some way

Color Scheme: have examples or point out on wheel

Complementary, Analogous, Warm, Cool, Triadic

Value Poster Requirements

Title: Value

Definition: From notes or online

Value Scales: create for each one

Hatching, crosshatching, stippling, shading

Tint and Shade: Show how color is mixed with white or black

Texture Poster Requirements

Title: Texture

Definition: From notes or online

Draw and label different types of texture

Space Poster Requirements

Title: Space

Definition: From notes or online

Show ways to create depth (look at sheet we did together): Overlap, Shading, Placement, Size, Value&Focus, and Perspective

Negative and Possitive space examples

Bonus: use of space like open, cluttered, etc