Child Learning Comprehension

"What was your favorite part?" versus "What will happen next?"

This project is an offshoot of a previously conducted experiment with e-books and learning comprehension, the same research used as the basis of the emotion recognition project.

In the experiment, a pre-reader child was given a tablet with an interactive e-book. There was a person from the lab in the room to guide them through using the system. The children would then follow along with the book. The children either read "Zoom City" or "Cat's Pajamas" (sometimes both if time allowed). More information on the base experiment is here. The deviation from the original experiment lies in the questions after reading the book. After finishing, the experimenter would ask the child either "What was your favorite part? or "What will happen next?". Like the original paper, these questions are also an application of the ICAP theory, and the lab hypothesized that story comprehension would improve if the child was asked to expand and interact with the story rather than recall.

I was given the results, which consist of the transcript of the child interacting with the book, and then the conversation with the experimenter afterward. The lab then gave the child a comprehension score based on what they said in the conversation. I sorted the data for what I thought would be the most significant.

Some children gave non-answers, like "I don't know" or "Nothing".

Also, note that participant MK-01 was asked the wrong question, but we left that child in the data.

The precursory data analysis was completed on October 11th.
