Classroom News

June 8, 2020

If you need to contact me (for non-urgent messages): State your name and the child's name in the email to --

For urgent messages, please write a note and send it with your child.

Looking Forward

We will do fun activities with different themes! Monday is Space, Tuesday is Camping and Wednesday is Promotion Day! Thank you for your patience as I transitioned to online teaching. It was such a joy to see the students on Zoom every week. I hope you have a safe and fun-filled summer. I hope to see you again next year. All the best for a great year in first grade!

Reminder- next week- pick up and drop off materials at school. Students worked hard on the art for Open House and there is work from the beginning of the school year that I kept for them.


PLEASE NOTE AN IMPORTANT CHANGE: Schedule for last week of school- The only Zoom meeting that I will hold will be on the last day of school on June 10th. Previously, I had sent out Zoom links for future dates that included the week of June 8th. Please ignore those. I will send a Zoom meeting link for June 10th.

Picking up materials/student belongings/dropping off school items- Times and dates have been sent via email. It is important that you follow that document, (created by Mr. Wasser) to pick up and drop off materials.

Third Trimester Report Cards- they will go home digitally. FUSD will be sending them out after the last day of school.

Notes about online programs:

  • Lexia will close at the end of July
  • Clever will close in August (the District has to input new class rosters)

Lifetouch Portraits: Proofs are in the to-go bags at school.


Classroom Rules- Please remind your child of our classroom rules:

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  • Sit quietly and raise a quiet hand
  • Sit quietly when the teacher is talking.
  • Be kind to others.

Lately, some students are having difficulty being kind others. We reviewed the rules and expressed how we would feel if someone was not kind. Thanks for your cooperation.

Volunteering at Ardenwood- Please go to this link if you volunteer in our school and or class:

You may still volunteer while in the process with the District.

Clever- Please remember to stop Lexia after finishing level 5.

Thank you... all the parents who prepared work for some of our art projects!

…to the parents who volunteer in our class on Wednesdays!!

Great gifts for teachers: gift cards to: Amazon, Michaels, Target, Staples


Share Bag/Star Student- Each child will take turns bringing a bag home with a small “All About Me” poster. Please help him/her attach photographs and or have him/her create detailed drawings. Then your child should put an object that means a lot to them. Bring the bag back on Friday. The child will present the poster and have the class guess their favorite object!

Borrowing books from the classroom- these books are not leveled, therefore you can read to your child. Students can only take one book per day and will exchange it per day. If a book is lengthy, the student can keep it for 2 days. They do not borrow books on the weekends.

Attendance- If your child arrives after we are in the classroom, please go to the office with him/her and get a late slip.


An increasing number of Fremont students have severe food allergies. Many students are being diagnosed with diabetes, and other health issues that put their daily safety at risk. It is important to provide a healthy environment for all students. Food is no longer appropriate. Parties and celebrations do not need to center around foods. The school is asking that parents help by not bringing cookies, cupcakes and other food items, but instead, you can donate one or two books to the class on your child’s birthday. Please do not bring stickers, candy, toys, goodie bags etc. They are a distraction to the class. Thank you for promoting healthy schools!

Changes in family - If there are any changes going on in your family: ie- birth of a sibling, grandparents visiting or leaving, parent going on long travel, a close family member is very ill, death...etc., I would like to know. These changes can affect the way your child behaves. Then I can help accordingly.

Minimum Days- Every Wednesday, Back to School Night, Open House and field trip days-- Mrs. O'Connell's class will be joining our class. We will do different activities on these days. Every Wednesday, we go to Computer Lab and library.